1. Transportation
  2. The Røros Railway

The Røros Railway

The Røros Railway is 384 kilometers long and runs between Hamar and Trondheim. The tour goes through beautiful wilderness in Østerdalen and across Røros to Støren.
The Røros Railway was built gradually in the period between 1862-77 and officially opened in 1877. A trip on the Røros Railway is a magical journey through real Norwegian wilderness. If you are lucky you can see both bear and wolf on during the trip!
Hamar and Trondheim are considered as the end stations of Røros Railway, although the train starts its journey from Oslo. The highest point of the trip is 670 meters above sea level, at Harborg (between Glåmos and Rugldalen).
If you have not experienced Røros, a visit to the mining town is worth the entire trip alone!